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Read Adetunji Stephen's answer to What does the Bible say about prayer? on Quora

Monday, 31 December 2018

How To receive the Blessings of God.


Now that the Lord God have count you worthy of seen the new year peace, how then can you receive the blessings of the new year from God. In the new year you must be too blessed to be stressed.
When God chooses to bless you, whatever you do will receives automatic approval. When God's blessing were released to Abraham,he left the company of stranglers and became an achiever. The blessing of God I am talking about hate is not only financial or material but also the impartation of  of the supernatural power of God in your life.

 "God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air  and over every living creature that moves on the ground- Genesis 2:10".

When God bless you you become the conqueror. God promised to rescue Israel and asked them not to be afraid that he would save them. He said, he had called them by name and they were is. When you have the blessing of God you were is. When you pass through fire, you will not be burnt. The hard trial that comes will not kill you. When you are passing through deep waters, he will be with you. Amen. 


1. Father bless me and let your blessings be visible in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Saturday, 29 December 2018

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?: ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE GOING TO SEE YEAR 2019? We live in the world of uncertainties. Accidents, calamities and bad vices almost consumes as...

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?: ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE GOING TO SEE YEAR 2019? We live in the world of uncertainties. Accidents, calamities and bad vices almost consumes as...

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?

PRAYER POINTS.: Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?: ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE GOING TO SEE YEAR 2019? We live in the world of uncertainties. Accidents, calamities and bad vices almost consumes as...

Are You sure You are Going To See Year 2019?


We live in the world of uncertainties. Accidents, calamities and bad vices almost consumes as we are entering the new year. I pray you will not be consumed , and you shall see the new year 2019 in peace in the name of Jesus. Not all will see year 2019. For example , it is uncertain that a new born baby become a father or mother of children. Though we say the young shall grow, we are not sure because the young may die young. Only God knows tomorrow ( Isiah 46: 9-10). However, certain things are certain now and forever. For example, it is certain that sun shall rise tomorrow. It is also certain  that we will never see last year again. Above all, it is certain that sooner or later, every child that is born shall die one day.
 It is certain that this home is not our home, we are just passing through on a journey to our final home. Now there are two different  final homes with different people heading for different homes. one final home is Heaven or eternal life. The other is called hell or eternal destruction( Matthew 7: 3-14).

The great question now is where are you heading to? Where is your  final home? Is it heaven or hell? Are you sure you are heading to heaven? If you are not sure, you can be sure today. If you think you are sure but not very certain, you can make assurance doubly sure today. This is how to make Heaven.
1. You must be born again- John 3:3-8

2.You must live Holy from now- Heb 12:14

Now to be born again, all you need to do is to repent of your sins. Decide to forsake them and call upon on Jesus Christ to forgive you and save your soul. Please do that right  and you will begin to enjoy the joy of salvation.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Powerful Miracle Prayers to the Mother Mary for Blessings Every Morning.

Powerful Miracle Prayers to the Mother Mary for Blessings Every Morning.

MOST holy Mary, Queen of heaven, I who was once the slave of the Evil One now dedicate myself to thy service forever; and I offer myself to honor and to serve thee as long as I live.Accept me for thy servant, and cast me not away from thee, as I deserve. In thee, O my Mother, I place all my hope. All blessing and thanksgiving be to God, who in His mercy gave me this trust in thee.
True it is, that in time past I have fallen miserably into sin; but by the merits of Jesus Christ, and by thy prayers, I hope that God has pardoned me. But this is not enough, my Mother.One thought distresses me; it is that I may yet lose the grace of God. Danger is ever near; the devil sleeps not; fresh temptations assail me. Protect me, then, my Queen; help me against the assaults of my spiritual enemy. Never let me sin again, or offend Jesus thy Son.Let me not by sin lose my soul, Heaven, and my God. This one grace, Mary, I ask of thee; this is my desire, this may your prayers obtain for me. Such is my hope. Amen.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Mother of Christ, pray for us.
Mother of divine grace, pray for us.
Mother most pure, pray for us.
Mother most chaste, pray for us.
Mother inviolate, pray for us.
Mother undefiled, pray for us.
Mother most amiable, pray for us.
Mother most admirable, pray for us.
Mother of good counsel, pray for us.
Mother of our Creator, pray for us.
Mother of our Savior, pray for us.
Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Virgin most prudent, pray for us.
Virgin most venerable, pray for us.
Virgin most renowned, pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, pray for us.
Virgin most merciful, pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of justice, pray for us.
Seat of wisdom, pray for us.
Cause of our joy, pray for us.
Spiritual vessel, pray for us.
Vessel of honor, pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion, pray for us.
Mystical rose, pray for us.
Tower of David, pray for us.
Tower of ivory, pray for us.
House of gold, pray for us.
Ark of the covenant, pray for us.
Gate of Heaven, pray for us.
Morningstar, pray for us.
Health of the sick, pray for us.
Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.
Help of Christians, pray for us.
Queen of angels, pray for us.
Queen of patriarchs, pray for us.
Queen of prophets, pray for us.
Queen of apostles, pray for us.
Queen of martyrs, pray for us.
Queen of confessors, pray for u
Queen of virgins, pray for us.
Queen of all saints, pray for us.
Queen conceived without Original Sin, pray for us.
Queen assumed into Heaven, pray for us.
Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.