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Showing posts with label prayer of the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer of the day. Show all posts

Friday, 25 September 2015

"Are You Ready To Serve God More"

It is a good thing if God decides to use you. He wants you to serve him. It is a greater privileged to serve God. Do not waste your opportunity to do. Serving God is a call to work. However, be very careful because immediately He is assigning you to some task He simultaneously prepared a substitute to replace you should you fall out of his plan. Be ready to serve God. Take steps to secure God's given assignment and prevent replacement.

 Ensure you remain humble, be obedient , serve God acceptably today a stay away from Sin You may be hated in the course of serving. People may say a lot about you to discourage you, but do not be discouraged.. God that called you is on your side.

 God called Abraham to serve him faithfully and live a blameless life-Genesis 17:1. Enoch walked with God and won approval as one who pleased God- Hebrew 1:5 . Do not allow your busy schedule rob you of the daily blessing and benefits of serving God. But, grow in grace and in the knowledge  of our Lord  Jesus Christ. to God be the Glory both now and forever more. Amen- 2 Peter 3:18.

 Be as diligent as you are with your secular job, business or academics. Serve God with all your mind. In all labour there is a profit, but idle chatter leads only to Poverty- Pr. 14:23

                                Prayer For Today.
 I receive grace in the name of Jesus to overcome all hindrances to fruitful service. I hold tightly to the external life to which God has called me. Jesus is the vine, and I am the branch. I can do nothing without Jesus. I remain in him and He is in me. In Christ alone, I shall be prosper, blessed and favoured by God. Amen