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Showing posts with label daily prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily prayer. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 July 2017

What Make God Listens To Prayers.


God will listen to our prayers If we can do the following:

We Must Belong to God.
“There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). Because Jesus is the mediator between us and God, we must give Him our total allegiance.
Before I yielded the control of my life to Jesus Christ, I would pray, but I was never sure if God was listening or would answer. After I asked Him to be the Lord of my life, I had confidence that God was hearing and answering my prayers.
We Must Pray to God the Father in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ.
Only the name of Jesus Christ gives us credibility with the Father — not our education, our wealth or poverty, our church, our background or our position — only Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14).
Sometimes I use my husband’s name, or my church, or my work to gain credibility with people I meet. But only Jesus’ name gives us credibility with the Father.
We Must have a Clean Heart.
Psalm 66:18 says, “If I had known of any sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened to me.”
It is very important to keep a clean heart before God. Someone said, “I ‘fess them as I does them, I don’t bunch them.” Don’t wait until you go to church or a crisis arises in your life to confess your sins to God. As soon as you become aware of an attitude or action that is displeasing to God, admit that it is wrong and thank God for His forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We Must have a Forgiving Spirit.
In Mark 11:25, Jesus says, “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven my forgive your transgressions.”
Jesus makes it very clear that we can’t carry anger, hatred, or bitterness in our hearts toward anyone if we expect God to forgive us and/or hear our prayers.
We must Pray in Faith.
Jesus said in Matthew 21:22, “And everything you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”
The very fact that you are asking God for your needs demonstrates your faith.
The answers come every time, but not always in the way we expect.  There are times when God answers prayer as soon as we pray. Other times we have to wait for them to be answered. Sometimes is answer is “No”, like all good parents, He gives us what is good for us, but not what is harmful to us, but He always  listens and answers.

If you want to be sure God is listening to your prayers, consider if you have ever asked Jesus Christ into your life, you can do so right now by submitting to him with a simple but powerful prayer.
“Lord Jesus, I want you to listen and answer my prayers, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.”
If you prayed this prayer, we would love to hear from you . Perhaps we could connect you with a mentor or provide resourceful links that could help you in your journey to know God in a deeper way.

Saturday, 31 December 2016

What Is The Best Hour For Night Prayers?

Through the love of God our savior, there is no time we called on God that He will not answer our prayer or prayers. What is important is your faith, believing that your prayer or prayers have been answered.
“Through the love of God our savior,all will be well. Free and changeless is His favor. All is well. Precious is the blood that healed us, perfect is the grace that sealed us, all must be well in the name of Jesus.”
“Thou we pass through tribulation. All is well in His name. Ours is such a full salvation. All is well. Happy, still in God confiding, fruitful,if in Christ abiding, Holy, through the spirit guiding, all must be well.”
“We expect a bright tomorrow through our prayers, all will be well. Faith can sing through days of sorrow, All will be well. Christ our every need supplying, whether living now or dying, All must be well in the name of Jesus. Amen.
As for me , I preferred praying between 12 am -3 am in the Night and God has been faithful to me. He will be faithful to you also, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  1. Season Prayers.
  2. Pray For : After Xmas, What next?
  3. 2017 : Crossover prayers.
  4. Prayers for Pastors And Ordained Ministers Of God.
  5. 10 prayer Points That Open The Door of Success, Miracle, Divine favor and Abundant Blessings To All Nations. Please, read here:

Friday, 13 November 2015

Prayer For God's Protection.


......O Merciful God, be Thou now unto me a strong tower of defence, I humbly entreat Thee. Give me grace to await Thy leisure, and patiently to bear what Thou doest unto me; nothing doubting or mistrusting .Thy goodness towards me; for Thou knowest what is good for me better than I do.

Therefore do with me in all things what Thou wilt; only arm me, I beseech Thee, with Thine armor, that I may stand fast; above all things, taking to me the shield of faith; praying always that I may refer myself wholly to Thy will, abiding Thy pleasure, and comforting myself in those troubles which it shall please Thee to send me, seeing such troubles are profitable for me; and I am assuredly  persuaded that all Thou doest cannot but be well; and unto Thee be all honor and glory. Amen.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Persecution Of Christians : Why You Must Pray Against Recurrence Of Umpqua Community College School Shooting And Other Persecuted Churches.

Persecution of Christians can be traced historically based on the biblical account of Jesus in the first century of the Christian era to the present timeEarly Christians were persecuted for their faith at the hands of both Jews from whose religion Christianity arose and the Roman Empire which controlled much of the land across which early Christianity was distributedEarly in the fourth century, the religion was legalized by the Edict of Milan, and it eventually became the State church of the Roman Empire.
Christian missionaries, as well as the people that they converted to Christianity, have been the target of persecution, sometimes to the point of being martyred for their faith. There is also a history of individual Christian denominations suffering persecution at the hands of other Christians under the charge of heresy, particularly during the 16th century Protestant Reformation as well as throughout the Middle Ages when various Christian groups deemed heretical were persecuted by the Papacy.
In the 20th century, Christians have been persecuted by various groups, including by atheistic states such as the USSR and North Korea. During the Second World War members of some Christian churches were persecuted in Germany for resisting Nazi ideology.Hitler expressed a desire to destroy the influence of Christian churches within the Third Reich, seeing it as absurdity and nonsense founded on Jewish lies. He planned to do this after the war, and not during it, believing "that suited his immediate political purposes".
In more recent times the Christian missionary organization Open Doors (UK) estimates 100 million Christians face persecution, particularly in Muslim-dominated countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Libya, Eritrea, Yemen,Ethiopia and Vietnam. Others are Iraq, Syria and North Korea.
O Lord God, everyday we woke up, we are always fed with Christians been killed, slaughtered amd massacre all in the name of persecution. We are shocked O Lord with the news of senseless killing of the Umpqua Community College Students, the precious and value lives lost. Please, Lord, let the blood you shed on the cross of Calvary put ends to this senseless and barbaric killings.
 To those who lost one soul or the other, please comfort them in your name and let them know that only you and alone you is there saviour. Amen

Friday, 25 September 2015

"Are You Ready To Serve God More"

It is a good thing if God decides to use you. He wants you to serve him. It is a greater privileged to serve God. Do not waste your opportunity to do. Serving God is a call to work. However, be very careful because immediately He is assigning you to some task He simultaneously prepared a substitute to replace you should you fall out of his plan. Be ready to serve God. Take steps to secure God's given assignment and prevent replacement.

 Ensure you remain humble, be obedient , serve God acceptably today a stay away from Sin You may be hated in the course of serving. People may say a lot about you to discourage you, but do not be discouraged.. God that called you is on your side.

 God called Abraham to serve him faithfully and live a blameless life-Genesis 17:1. Enoch walked with God and won approval as one who pleased God- Hebrew 1:5 . Do not allow your busy schedule rob you of the daily blessing and benefits of serving God. But, grow in grace and in the knowledge  of our Lord  Jesus Christ. to God be the Glory both now and forever more. Amen- 2 Peter 3:18.

 Be as diligent as you are with your secular job, business or academics. Serve God with all your mind. In all labour there is a profit, but idle chatter leads only to Poverty- Pr. 14:23

                                Prayer For Today.
 I receive grace in the name of Jesus to overcome all hindrances to fruitful service. I hold tightly to the external life to which God has called me. Jesus is the vine, and I am the branch. I can do nothing without Jesus. I remain in him and He is in me. In Christ alone, I shall be prosper, blessed and favoured by God. Amen